Before you live the lifestyle dream: what you need to know

Owning land can be incredibly rewarding! Moving out to the country is a big lifestyle change if coming from the city or suburban areas. There are a lot of things to consider and we’ve put a list together for a first-timers guide. You can find plenty of information on the internet but here’s some local knowledge. 

If you can, talk to someone who already owns a lifestyle block or land and talk to them some of the following points. There is also a great guide from FMG Insurance – who insure lifestyle block properties.

How much?

You might be thinking about how much you want to spend on a property, but a more important factor is how much land do you need. If you are new to the country lifestyle consider starting small and whether you want to have animals or not. 


Animals and land require upkeep and care. How much time do you have to maintain a property on top of your existing commitments? 


Ensure you do some research on the equipment you may need and set a budget for possible fertiliser, pasture or animal care costs.


When looking at a property ensure it has what you need, will you need a shed? Will you need adequate water supply and fencing for animals? Knowing what you need will help you make an informed decision. 

Rural Information 

Check. that the property might have some of the following, unique to rural properties:

  • Rubbish collection? Does the property have access to bins, recycling or council bags? 
  • Right of way access – is there any drive ways or roads that are shared access or “paper roads”? Ensure a lawyer advises on your title or property file. 
  • Septic tanks – how is waste water disposed of on the property? Is there a tank or a different system and is there a record of maintenance? 
  •  Does the property back onto bush, and if so what type of bush is it? Does it need proper fencing? QEII Bush requires ongoing care. 
  • Is there a phone line to the property and what signal is there available? A lot of rural properties now use Starlink internet which uses satellites to connect.
  • Water supply – is there water tanks? Or a pump to a bore? Check how water is being treated to both the home and the property (troughs).
  • Insurance – some insurers don’t cover some types of retaining walls and infrastructure on lifestyle properties, be sure to check this out first. 

Happy Farming!

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