HAPVRA represents the views of the wider Hunua, Ararimu and Paparimu Valley, and is made up of committee members who are residents within each of these areas. This means we live and breathe the very essence of what it means to be part of this community.

We believe in the power of community, people, and the environment. As a not for profit incorporated society, we exist to bring together like-minded people who are passionate about creating a positive impact in our local areas and network within wider communities that align to our own.

Our mission is simple: to connect and protect. We organise events, champion key projects, celebrate our community, and work to communicate to what residents need to know. Whether you’re passionate about the outdoors, conservation, or meeting others with a shared vision, HAPVRA is here to provide a platform and a voice.

All of this is possible with the thanks of our passionate committee members who volunteer their time and skills to the community. Together, we’re building something bigger than ourselves—and we are always open to new members. 

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