Local Directory

Local Facebook Pages
Ararimu Grapevine 
Ararimu Park 
Ararimu South Auckland District
Ararimu WI
Hunua Buy, Sell, Swap & Chat
Hunua Bowling Club
Paparimu Community Grapevine

Rubbish Collection – Weekly
Motorway to 782 Ararimu Road (and side roads),
Turner Road, Dunn Road, Totara Road

Rest of Ararimu Road and side roads including
Gelling Road and side roads
Paparimu region
Hunua region

Recycling – Fortnightly

Local Halls
Ararimu Hall Bookings
Helen Groenestein 021 045 3494
Hunua Hall Bookings
Roy Williams 021 105 9751
Paparimu Hall Bookings
Sharnee Shears 292 5002
Ramarama Hall Bookings
Nick Corlett 294 8776
Or 021 877 654

Ararimu Residents & Ratepayers Association
Sam Williams – Chair 0272558789

Paparimu Residents Association  

Hunua Help
Jo Taylor – 292 6218

Hunua Ararimu & Paparimu Valley Residents Association 
Geraldine Schnauer & Maxine Clayton (Co-Chairs) contact@hapvra.nz

Hunua Pony Club
(at Springbush Equestrian)
Amanda McGregor, President, 0272704970

Hunua Tennis Club
Facebook page.

Hunua Bowling Club
Facebook page

Hunua Table Tennis Club
Facebook page

Hunua Theatre Club
Facebook page

Franklin Local Board
Malcolm Bell 021 0228 2267

Power Faults
Counties Power Outages 0800 100 202

Hunua Rural Fire Force
For all emergencies dial 111
Other enquiries
Wayne Smith 021 864 080

Hunua Women’s Institute
Jo Taylor – President 292 6218

Ararimu Women’s Institute
Tina Hunter – President 021 836 694

Justices of the Peace
Christine Rupp 029 778 8044
Daisy Johanas 027 599 4700
Helen Groenestein 021 045 3494
Howard Sutton 294 8379
Malcolm Bell 021 0228 2267
Sue Cameron 021 672 759

Local Playgroups
Ararimu Playgroup
Courtney Goulstone – Secretary 021 177 1001

Hunua Playcenter
Tash – hunua@playcentre.org.nz 

Paparimu Playgroup

Local Schools
Ararimu School
Craig Henderson – Principal 294 8372

Hunua School
Mark Drummond – Principal 292 4889

Paparimu School
Nick Epsom – Principal  292 5861